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Blog ECB

Evropski pogled na centralno bančništvo in gospodarstvo

V blogu ECB predstavljamo nova spoznanja o gospodarstvu in centralnobančnih politikah na podlagi naših podatkov, analiz in raziskav – za euroobmočje in širše. Avtorji objav so strokovnjaki ECB in člani Izvršilnega odbora.

Želim se naročiti na blog ECB
20 January 2025

Why prudent projections are the backbone of sound stress testing

Stress tests are of crucial importance to assess banks’ resilience under adverse economic conditions. In previous stress tests, however, some banks submitted overly optimistic projections. Despite thorough quality assurance by supervisors, this behaviour makes it more likely that the risks some banks face are underestimated. To address this, we are now taking a closer look at insufficiently prudent projection submissions. In line with our supervisory focus on banks’ risk data aggregation and reporting capabilities, we are also looking more closely at poor data quality issues in stress tests.

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