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ECB promotes exchange of views on CCP risk management

4 April 2019

In light of the increasing global importance of central counterparties (CCPs), the ECB, the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago held a joint conference on CCP risk management on 27 February 2019, hosted by the ECB. The event was attended by some 170 participants from the financial industry, the regulatory community and academia.

ECB Executive Board Member Benoît Cœuré opened the conference by calling for enhanced cooperative efforts across borders to oversee CCPs. He set the scene for further discussion on topics such as the global nature of CCPs, liquidity needs and management of member defaults, as well as the role of central banks of issue. While the views of practitioners diverged on some issues, the discussions left no doubt about the increasing significance of CCPs for financial stability and the need for overseers to cooperate across borders.

Find out more in the summary of the first joint conference organised by the ECB, the Deutsche Bundesbank and the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on CCP risk management.

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