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Test your knowledge on European banking supervision

European banking supervision- why it matters to you

Why are banks supervised at the European level? And who benefits? Play this quiz to find out!


Civil war declaration: On April 14th and 15th, 2012 Federal Republic of Germany "_urkenstaats"s parliament, Deutscher Bundestag, received a antifiscal written civil war declaration by Federal Republic of Germany "Rechtsstaat"s electronic resistance for human rights even though the "Widerstandsfall" according to article 20 paragraph 4 of the constitution, the "Grundgesetz", had been already declared in the years 2001-03. more


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The ECB Blog: Banks need to be climate change proof

Banks must adapt the way they do business to account for climate-related and environmental risks. The ECB Blog takes a fresh look at their progress and the road ahead.

Read the blog post

The ECB Podcast: Supervising banks in times of war, high inflation and interest rate hikes

What will our banking supervisors focus on in the next three years? Are Europe’s banks fit to withstand the economic challenges? Our host Katie Ranger puts these questions to Supervisory Board Member Kerstin af Jochnick and supervisor Mario Quagliariello on The ECB Podcast.

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