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Standing facilities


The Eurosystem offers eligible counterparties access to two standing facilities:

  • Marginal lending facility in order to obtain overnight liquidity from the national central bank, against the provision of adequate eligible collateral;
  • Deposit facility in order to make overnight deposits with the national central bank.
Standing facilities rates (12 Márta 2025)
Marginal lending facility rate: 2.90 %
Deposit facility rate: 2.50 %
Use of the standing facilities (Figures as at 2025-03-25, EUR millions)
Use of the marginal lending facility: 96
Use of the deposit facility: 2,831,304

General Information


Both facilities are available to eligible counterparties on their own initiative, subject to their fulfilment of certain operational access conditions.

Terms and conditions

The time limit to request access to the standing facilities is half an hour after the close of TARGET, except on the last working day of the reserve maintenance period, when the time limit is an hour.

The standing facilities are administered in a decentralised manner by the national central banks. The terms and conditions of use of the standing facilities are identical throughout the euro area.


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