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Information campaign on 2002 cash changeover

1 July 1999

The European Central Bank (ECB) published a tender notice in the Official Journal of the European Communities on 12 February 1999 regarding a contract to prepare and execute a Europe-wide information campaign for the introduction of the euro banknotes and coins on 1 January 2002. On the basis of the resulting applications, nine companies were invited to make a presentation at the ECB.

The following three companies were shortlisted to participate in the final stage of the competition:

  • Hill & Knowlton;
  • Publicis; and
  • Team Young & Rubicam/Burson-Marsteller.

The three agencies will present detailed campaign plans to the ECB in October. The ECB will announce its final decision in November.


Europejski Bank Centralny

Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Komunikacji

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