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What high inflation means and how we are tackling it

How is inflation affecting people and firms? Why are we raising interest rates? How will it help bring inflation down?

Our host Katie Ranger talks to press officer Eva Taylor on The ECB Podcast.

The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily of the European Central Bank.

Published on 20 December 2022 and recorded on 9 December 2022.

In this episode
What is the impact of high inflation?

How higher prices are affecting people and businesses in Europe, and who is hit the hardest by high inflation.

What’s behind the high inflation we are seeing?

What factors have been pushing prices up over the past few months and why the cost of food and energy is the main driver of inflation.

How will raising interest rates help lower inflation?

What central banks can do to control rising prices, why we are raising interest rates and what higher rates mean for people.

What’s behind the idea of people’s inflation expectations?

Why inflation expectations matter for us and how we can guide them.

Our guest’s hot tip

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