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More than 100 TIBER tests conducted

27 April 2023

The threat intelligence-based ethical red-teaming (TIBER) community is continuing to grow, and over 100 TIBER tests have now been conducted across the EU. National TIBER cyber teams perform tests with entities in their respective jurisdictions, while entities that are active in multiple jurisdictions may participate in joint tests with multiple TIBER cyber teams.

The TIBER-EU Knowledge Centre is a forum hosted by the ECB in which national and European TIBER cyber teams coordinate and discuss initiatives and share details of their experiences. This helps to ensure consistent implementation of the TIBER-EU framework in the adopting jurisdictions.

The ECB serves as a contact point for the TIBER-EU framework. New jurisdictions (including members of the European Economic Area) that want to adopt the framework and join the TIBER community can contact the ECB for more information.

TIBER-EU is the European framework for threat intelligence-based ethical red-teaming. The framework provides guidance to authorities, entities, threat intelligence providers and red team providers on how to test and improve cyber resilience. The aim of the TIBER-EU framework is to harmonise and standardise the approach to threat intelligence-based ethical red teaming across Europe.

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