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TARGET2-Securities software update set for go-live

24 June 2022

The new release (R6.0) of the TARGET2-Securities (T2S) platform is ready for launch on 2 July 2022.

The Market Infrastructure Board has confirmed the deployment of the new release of the T2S platform to the production environment on 2 July 2022, as planned.

The ECB and the Banco de España, Banca d’Italia, Banque de France and Deutsche Bundesbank, as T2S operators, continue to stand ready to support stakeholders in their preparations for the go-live of the new release.

The release date of 2 July 2022 was set in March 2022 after a three-week postponement was deemed necessary by the Market Infrastructure Board and the market. The new release will onboard a number of common components in T2S, such as a single communication interface and common reference data management, thereby preparing the system for the technical and functional consolidation of TARGET2 and T2S, which is due for launch in November 2022. Read more about the project on our website.

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