Focus Session
Eurosystem Collateral Management System
When, Where
21 June 2024, 10:00-12:00
Virtual Event
- 9:50
Registration and login
- 10:00
Practical information
- 10:10
Welcome address
The Eurosystem Collateral Management System (ECMS) is set for launch in November 2024. Learn more about the current status of the project.
Dimitri Pattyn, Deputy Director General, Market Infrastructure and Payments, ECB
- 10:30
Timeline and key milestones until go-live
Gain insight on the timeline and key milestone of the ECMS project until the go-live in November 2024.
Audren Plancon, ECB
- 10:40
User testing
The different ECMS functionality are currently being testing by the users. What should users focus on during this period? Gain insights on the test campaigns taking place during this phase and on the support offered by the Eurosystem.
- Bobby Bashford, ECB
- Bamini Raghavan, ECB
- 11:20
Preparing for migration
The connectivity phase to ECMS production has begun. The next step is the pre-migration in production. How does the planning look for this and for the other migration preparation activities and tests? Find out more on the key aspects and milestones related to migration.
- Bobby Bashford, ECB
- Ana Isa Martins, ECB
- 11:45
Closing remarks
Dimitri Pattyn, Deputy Director General, Market Infrastructure and Payments, ECB
- 12:00
End of event
This programme may be subject to change without notice.
Audiovisual notice: The entire Focus Session will be live streamed, recorded and published on the ECB’s website shortly after the event, together with the slides presented.
To register for the event, please send an email to