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ECB Forum on Central Banking

The future of the international monetary and financial architecture

Sintra, Portugal, 27-29 June 2016

The third annual ECB Forum on Central Banking will focus on “The future of the international monetary and financial architecture”, a key topic of debate among economists and policymakers.

The ECB’s President, Mario Draghi, and Princeton Professor, Alan S. Blinder, will open the event with dinner speeches.

Sessions and panels

During two days of sessions and panels, approximately 150 central bank governors, academics, financial journalists and high-level financial market representatives will exchange views on current policy issues and discuss the chosen topic from a longer-term perspective.

Young economists’ poster session

A preselected group of PhD students conducting research in the fields of economics or finance will present their key findings in the form of digital posters. A selection committee composed of senior ECB staff and top external academics will select the winning paper/poster. Conference participants will be able to contribute to the final selection by rating the posters anonymously online. The winning paper will be announced by the ECB President in a brief ceremony at the end of the Forum.

Participation is by invitation only.

For more information, please visit www.ecbforum.eu

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