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ECB nominates members for the Rulebook Development Group for a digital euro

15 February 2023

  • Group members will contribute to the drafting of a rulebook for a digital euro scheme
  • The Rulebook Development Group includes professionals from the private and public sector
  • The group will hold monthly meetings, starting February 2023

Today, the ECB has nominated the members of the Rulebook Development Group, part of the digital euro project. The group is composed by 22 senior professionals from the public and private sector with experience in finance and payments. The Eurosystem’s digital euro project team may attend the meetings of the digital euro RDG. The European Commission will participate as an observer. The ECB has established the Rulebook Development Group to support the drafting of a scheme rulebook, obtain market input and gain an industry perspective.

The Rulebook Development Group’s work will build on the design decisions for a digital euro taken by the Governing Council. The drafting of the rulebook will be sufficiently flexible to accommodate possible future adjustments depending amongst others on the outcome of the planned public consultation and legislative proposal.

The selection of group members resulted from an ECB-launched call for expression of interest on 3 January 2023. All members represent their nominating associations and communities to ensure that a broad set of views and perspectives from all types of market participants are reflected in the rulebook.

Meetings will be held once a month starting February 2023. The work of the Group will be led by the Chair of the Rulebook Development Group, who will report to the Digital Euro Programme Manager.

The establishment of this group does not prejudge any decision to issue a digital euro that may need to be taken later.

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