Euro Retail Payments Board
The Euro Retail Payments Board (ERPB) is a high-level strategic body tasked with fostering the integration, innovation and competitiveness of euro retail payments in the European Union. It was launched on 19 December 2013 by the ECB and replaced the SEPA Council.
Since its launch, the ERPB has been instrumental in removing some of the remaining national characteristics after migration to the SEPA credit transfer and direct debit schemes. It has also played a pivotal role in ensuring that new payment solutions have not led to further fragmentation of the euro retail payments market.
The ERPB has facilitated the development of an integrated, innovative and competitive euro retail payments market in the following areas:
- Instant payments: Under the impetus of the ERPB, the European Payments Council introduced a scheme for instant payments. The scheme went live in November 2017 and provides the basis for pan-European instant payments in euro.
- Payment initiation services: The ERPB established a working group to define the technical, operational and business requirements for payment initiation services. These market requirements complement the legal requirements of the Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and are essential to ensure the services work efficiently across the whole of Europe.
- P2P mobile payments: To facilitate interoperability at pan-European level between existing and future person-to-person (P2P) mobile payment solutions, the ERPB has begun working on a standardised lookup service that allows mobile phone numbers to be used as proxies for IBANs.
- Contactless payments: The ERPB has made recommendations to support its vision of developing a Europe-wide secure, convenient, consistent, efficient and trusted payment experience for customers for all retail transactions at the point of interaction, based on commonly accepted and standardised contactless and other proximity payment technologies.
In close cooperation with the European Cards Stakeholders Group, the ERPB has also successfully addressed the need for further harmonisation in the field of card payments.
The ERPB is chaired by a high-level representative of the ECB and comprises the following members:
- on the supply side of the market:
- one representative from the payment services provider community;
- three banking representatives;
- two representatives from payment institutions;
- one e-money representative.
- on the demand side of the market, two consumer representatives and one representative from each of the following stakeholder categories:
- retailers with a physical presence;
- internet retailers;
- businesses/corporates;
- small and medium-sized enterprises, and
- national public administrations.
In addition, five national central banks (NCBs) representing the Eurosystem, and one NCB representing the non-euro NCB community take part in ERPB meetings on a rotational basis. The European Commission is invited to attend these meetings as an observer.
List of ERPB related publications
The ERPB reports annually on its activities, common positions, guidance and/or statements adopted in the previous year as well as on its objectives and deliverables for the following year.
- Statement
- Agenda
- Introductory remarks by the Chair
- Update on Digital Euro
- Status update on SCT Inst scheme
- Upcoming milestones on the high level communication strategy to end-users on instant payments
- Proposed follow-up on accessibility to retail payments
- Review of the ERPB functioning
- Status of past ERPB recommendations
- SEPA Payment Account Access scheme status update
- SEPA Request-to-Pay scheme status update
- European Payments Stakeholders Group status report
- Statement
- Agenda
- Update on Digital Euro
- Status update on SCT Inst scheme
- High level communication strategy to end-users on instant payments
- Report from the ERPB Working Group on fraud prevention
- Environmental best practices in electronic retail payments
- Possible new ERPB activities
- Review of the ERPB membership – 2024
- Status of past ERPB recommendations
- SEPA Payment Account Access scheme status update
- SEPA Request-to-Pay scheme status update
- Statement
- Agenda
- Update on Digital Euro
- Status update on SCT Inst scheme
- Status update on SCT Inst scheme – Annex
- Proposal for finalisation of high-level communication on instant payments
- ERPB Working Group on fraud – interim findings
- SEPA Payment Account Access scheme status update
- ERPB priorities for 2024
- SEPA Request-to-Pay scheme status update
- European Payments Stakeholders Group status update
- Status of past ERPB recommendations
- Statement
- Agenda
- Update on digital euro investigation
- SCT Inst scheme update
- Report from ERPB workstream on high-level communication strategy to end-users on instant payments
- Status update on the work on SEPA Payment Account Access
- Update of the ERPB workplan
- SEPA Request-to-Pay status update
- European Cards Stakeholders Group – status report on cards standardisation
- Status of past ERPB recommendations
- Statement
- Agenda
- Update on digital euro investigation
- SCT Inst scheme update
- Status update on the work on SEPA Payment Account Access
- Implementation of the recommendations on transparency for retail payments end-users – impact assessment
- ERPB priorities for 2022
- Review of the ERPB membership
- Retail payments accessibility
- Status of past ERPB recommendations
- SEPA Request-to-Pay scheme update
- Statement
- Agenda
- Basic concepts and design choices of a digital euro
- ERPB engagement in the digital euro investigation phase
- Report from the ERPB working group on access to and acceptance of cash
- SCT Inst scheme status update
- Standardisation and governance of QR-codes for instant payments at the point-of-interaction
- Business requirements for consumer selection of preferred payment instrument
- Update on developments of dedicated POI specifications
- SEPA Proxy Lookup scheme status update
- SEPA Payment Account Access Scheme status update
- ERPB recommendations on transparency for retail payments end-users – outcome of impact assessment
- ERPB priorities for 2022
- SEPA request-to-pay scheme status update
- European Cards Stakeholders Group status report on cards standardisation
- Status of past ERPB recommendations
- Statement
- Agenda
- Final report from the ERPB working group on transparency for retail payments end-users
- Status update on the SCT Inst scheme
- EPC position on the development of an instant payments recognition label
- MSG MSCT reporting on the follow-up to ERPB recommendations on instant payments at the POI
- Secretariat proposal on instant payments communication for end-users
- Report from the ERPB working group on a SEPA API Access Scheme
- Follow-up on past recommendations
- Status update on the SEPA request-to-pay scheme
- Interim report of the ERPB working group on access to cash
- Update of the ERPB workplan
- Statement
- Agenda
- ECB report on a digital euro – presentation
- Status update on the SEPA Proxy Lookup
- Status update on the SCT Inst scheme
- Recognition label for instant payments at the POI
- ERPB working group on instant at the POI – Framework for interoperability of instant payments at the POI
- ERPB working group on instant at the POI – Specifications for payment instrument selection
- Requirements for the development of dedicated specifications
- Reporting by the informal workstream on a SEPA API access scheme
- Mandate of the working group on a SEPA API access scheme
- Presentation on SPACE results
- Access to cash
- ECSG status report
- Update of the ERPB workplan
- Follow-up on past recommendations
- Working group on transparency for retail payments end-users – interim report
- Status update on the SEPA request-to-pay scheme
- Statement
- Agenda
- ERPB response to the current Covid19 pandemic
- Status update on the SEPA Proxy Lookup Scheme
- Status update on SCT Inst scheme
- Interim report from the ERPB Working Group on a framework for instant at POI
- ERPB priorities for 2020
- Proposal on transparency for retail payment end users
- Presentation on access to cash by BEUC
- Review of the ERPB membership
- ERPB communication approach
- Status of past ERPB recommendations
- SEPA Request to Pay scheme status update
- Statement
- Agenda
- Follow-up on past recommendations
- Status update on the SEPA Proxy Lookup Scheme
- Status update on SCT Inst scheme
- Report from the ERPB WG on instant at POI
- Dissenting opinion on the instant at POI report
- Report from the RTP MSG
- Report from the EIPP MSG
- ERPB priorities for 2020
- ECSG status update on cards standardisation
- Statement
- Agenda
- Follow-up on past recommendations
- Status update on the SEPA Proxy Lookup Scheme
- Status update on SCT Inst
- Interim report from the ERPB WG on instant at POI
- Report from the ERPB WG on a SEPA API Access Scheme
- FoEF letter on SEPA API Access Scheme Report
- EMA letter on SEPA API Access Scheme Report
- ECSAs letter on SEPA API Access Scheme Report
- Statement
- Agenda
- Follow-up on past recommendations
- Status update on the SEPA Proxy Lookup Scheme
- Status update on SCT Inst
- Report from the EIPP Multi-Stakeholder Group
- Final report from the informal group on broader accessibility
- Update of the ERPB workplan
- ECSG status update on cards standardisation
- Statement
- Agenda
- Assessment of follow-up on ERPB statements, positions and recommendations
- Annex to the assessment of follow-up of past ERPB statements, positions and recommendations
- Intermediary status update of the Steering Committee of the Mobile Proxy Forum
- Status update on SCT Inst scheme
- Report of the ERPB Working Group on Payment Initiation Services
- ECSG Acquirer to Issuer Study
- ERPB Statement
- Agenda
- Assessment of follow-up of past ERPB recommendations
- MPF intermediary status report to the November 2016 ERPB
- Status update on the SCT Inst scheme
- Report from the Working Group on e-invoicing solutions related to retail payments
- Secretariat note on pan European integration of payment initiation services
- Mandate of the working group on payment initiation services
- AGE Platform Europe-DNB note on possible work on broader accessibility for payment users
- ECSG interim report on the framework for a market-driven approach for ISO20022 migration in the acquirer-to-issuer domain
- ERPB Statement
- Agenda
- Assessment of follow-up of past ERPB recommendations
- Intermediary status update of the Steering Committee of the Mobile Proxy Forum
- Status update on SCT Inst scheme
- Proposal for the update of the ERPB workplan
- Pan-European integration of payment initiation services
- CSG Acquirer to Issuer processing study
- CSG presentation on Acquirer to Issuer processing study
- CSG stock-taking on cards standardisation
- ERPB Statement
- Agenda
- Assessment of follow-up on ERPB statements,positions and recommendations
- EPC proposal for the design of an optional euro SCT Instant scheme
- Review of the EPC proposal for the design of an instant SEPA Credit Transfer scheme
- Final report on mobile and card-based contactless proximity payments
- Mandate of the working group on e-invoicing solutions related to retail payment
- e-invoicing solutions related to retail payments – the way forward in Sepa
- ERPB statement
- Agenda
- Contactless WG Interim Report to the ERPB
- Assessment of follow-up on past ERPB recommendations
- EPC Report to the ERPB on Instant Payments
- ERPB Secretariat Note on Next Steps on Instant Payments
- Report and Recommendations ERPB WG on P2P Mobile Payments
- Report and Recommendations ERPB WG on P2P Mobile Payments
- CSG Stock Taking Excercise: Presentation
- CSG Stock Taking Excercise: Executive Summary of the Progress Report
- CSG Stock Taking Excercise: Progress Report
- CSG Stock Taking Excercise: Annex 3 - Detailed Data
- CSG Stock Taking Excercise: Annex 4 - SCCMB Terms of Reference
- ERPB Secretariat note on e-invoicing solutions related to retail payments
- ERPB statement
- Agenda
- Follow up on the work plan of the ERPB
- Follow up on the work plan of the ERPB - Annex
- Assessment of follow-up on past ERPB recommendations
- Report of the ERPB working group on SCT-SDD post migration issues
- Report of the ERPB working group on pan-European electronic mandates
- Report by the Cards Stakeholders Group (CSG) a)
- Report by the Cards Stakeholders Group (CSG) b)
- Instant payments in euro
- Press release
- ERPB statement
- Agenda
- Mandate of the Working Group on pan-European electronic mandate solutions
- Mandate of the Working Group on SCT and SDD post-migration issues
- High-level requirements for a consumer no-refund direct debit scheme in SEPA
- Issues and way forward with electronic mandates for SEPA direct debit
- The Cards Stakeholders Group, its functioning and the reasons for acknowledgment by the ERPB
- The CSG Cards Stakeholders Group - Role and activities