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Chief Risk Officer Roundtable

The ECB’s Chief Risk Officer (CRO) Roundtable serves as a forum for discussing potential risks facing the euro area financial system.

Its key objective is to complement the ECB’s regular monitoring of systemic threats to the financial system by providing targeted feedback from senior financial industry experts on conjunctural and structural financial issues. The CRO Roundtable focuses on topics relevant for risk management, financial stability and macroprudential policymaking.

Charter for the Chief Risk Officer Roundtable


Vice-President of the ECB

Members and composition

The CRO Roundtable brings together Group CROs (or, exceptionally, their delegates), chosen to represent a diverse composition in terms of sector, geography and gender. Participation is organised on a rotational basis to allow for broad involvement.

7 February 2024


18 January 2023


26 January 2022



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Tasks of the ECB

Financial stability

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