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© Maria Rita Quitadamo/ECB
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Eligible assets: download area

Last updated: 09/01/2025

All eligible assets

  compressed uncompressed
Full database ea_csv_250109.csv.gz ea_csv_250109.csv
Revisions from the previous working day ea_csv_update_250109.csv.gz ea_csv_update_250109.csv


Historical snapshots are available going back to April 2010, although a few gaps exist. The file format of historical files may differ from the current format owing to changing reporting guidelines. The structure of the most recent files is set out in the user guide.



The historical snapshots reflect the reporting guidelines laid down in the Eurosystem legal framework for monetary policy instruments applicable on the date concerned. As the collateral framework has evolved over time, the methodology and the presentation of the data in the snapshot files have also been subject to changes.

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