Civil society seminar series
In our regular seminar series, ECB experts present their insights on different topics related to our work and exchange views with representatives from European-level civil society organisations.
Past events
- 14:00
Civil Society Seminar: ECB’s climate and nature plan - Updates
Frank Elderson, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank
Irene Heemskerk, Head of Climate Change Centre, European Central Bank
- 16:30
Civil Society Seminar: Digital euro - Maintaining the freedom to choose how we pay
Alessandro Giovannini, Adviser to the digital euro project, European Central Bank
Daniel McLean, Deputy Head of Product Proposition Division, digital euro project, European Central Bank
Sophie Allain des Beauvais, Digital Euro Consumers and Merchants Proposition Expert, European Central Bank
Georgina Garriga Sanchez, Press Officer, European Central Bank
- 16:00
Civil Society Seminar: Laying the basis for a digital euro
Evelien Witlox, Programme Manager of the digital euro project, European Central Bank
Alessandro Giovannini, Adviser to the digital euro project, European Central Bank
Maarten G.A. Daman, Data Protection Officer, DG Legal, European Central Bank
Daniel McLean, Deputy Head of Product Proposition Division, digital euro project, European Central Bank
- 11:00
Civil Society Seminar: ECB’s climate and nature plan
Frank Elderson, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank
Irene Heemskerk, Head of Climate Change Centre, European Central Bank
- 14:30
Civil Society Seminar: The evolution of European banking supervision
Linette Field, Director General, DG On-site & Internal Model Inspections, European Central Bank
Sofia Rico Toscano, Deputy Director General, DG Horizontal Line Supervision, European Central Bank
- 14:30
Civil Society Seminar: A digital euro for everyone
Evelien Witlox, Programme Manager of the digital euro project, European Central Bank
Ignacio Terol, Product Manager of the digital euro project, European Central Bank
- 14:00
Civil Society Seminar: What is keeping inflation high?
Óscar Arce, Director General, DG Economics, European Central Bank
Sarah Holton, Head of Prices & Costs, European Central Bank
- 14:00
Civil Society Seminar: The digital euro - a work in progress
Evelien Witlox, Programme Manager of the Digital euro project, European Central Bank
Jürgen Schaaf, Adviser, DG Market Infrastructure & Payments, European Central Bank
- 14:00
Civil Society Seminar: Climate risks - banks' preparedness to weather the storm
Frank Elderson, Vice-Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank
Patrick Amis, Deputy Director General Specialised Institutions & LSI, European Central Bank
- 16:30
Civil Society Seminar: Climate change and monetary policy- how far have we come?
Frank Elderson, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank
Toto Silvonen, Deputy Director General Market Operations, European Central Bank
Elke Heinle, Head of Risk Strategy, European Central Bank
- 15:00
Civil Society Seminar: Shaping the digital euro
Evelien Witlox, Programme Manager of the Digital euro project, European Central Bank
Jürgen Schaaf, Advisor, DG Market Infrastructure & Payments, European Central Bank
- 15:00
Civil Society Seminar: European banks navigating through challenging times
Elizabeth McCaul, Member of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank
- 15:30
Civil Society Seminar: The ECB’s role in tackling climate change
Frank Elderson, Member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank
Irene Heemskerk, Head of Climate Change Centre, European Central Bank
- 17:00
Civil Society Seminar: The outcome of the ECB’s strategy review
Frank Smets, Director General, Directorate General Economics, European Central Bank
- 14:00
Civil Society Seminar: The ECB’s retail payments strategy
Iddo de Jong, Team Lead, Market Infrastructure and Payments Team, European Central Bank
- 14:00
Civil Society Seminar: Macro economic developments in the euro area – Spring 2021
Frank Smets, Director General, Directorate General Economics, European Central Bank
- 14:00
Civil Society Seminar: Exploring the potential of a digital euro
Jürgen Schaaf, Advisor, DG Market Infrastructure & Payments, European Central Bank
- 12:00
Civil Society Seminar: The impact of COVID-19 on the euro area economy and the related policy response
Frank Smets, Director General, Directorate General Economics, European Central Bank