Nie je k dispozícii v slovenčine.
Release calendar for the Aggregated balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem
27/02/2025 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Jan-2025
27/03/2025 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Feb-2025
29/04/2025 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Mar-2025
30/05/2025 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Apr-2025 / Q1 2025
30/06/2025 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: May-2025
25/07/2025 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Jun-2025
28/08/2025 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Jul-2025 / Q2 2025
25/09/2025 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Aug-2025
27/10/2025 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Sep-2025
27/11/2025 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Oct-2025 / Q3 2025
02/01/2026 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Nov-2025
29/01/2026 10:00 CET
National balance sheet of euro area monetary financial institutions, excluding the Eurosystem (Dataset: BSI)
Reference period: Dec-2025
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